Biography - Anthony Almond
ALMOND. This part of the Prairie State has proved a mine of wealth to
thousands of industrious farmers who have come hither from the East and from
foreign countries, and by dint of hard work and enterprise have developed
the resources which nature so liberally provided. One of the salient
features of the agriculturists of Montgomery County is their energy and
push, or, as the American puts it, "go-aheadativeness." This county forms a
striking example of the truth of the assertion, and Mr. Almond furnishes us
with a striking case in point. Like many of the prominent citizens of the
county, he is of foreign birth, Sussex County, England, being his native
place, and was born on the 11th of February, 1830. His parents, Anthony and
Winnifred (Paine) Almond, were also natives of England, where they spent
their entire lives, the father engaged as a teamster.
The youthful days of our subject were passed in his native country, and not having very good educational advantages, he is mainly self-educated. He early learned the teaming business, at which he was engaged for some time, but seeing a better opening for a struggling young man in America, he went to Liverpool in 1851 and took passage in a vessel bound for this country. After an ocean voyage of a little over seven weeks, he landed in New Orleans, went from thereto Missouri, and thence shortly after to Jersey County, Ill., where he worked as a farm hand for about two years, receiving $12 per month as pay, that being about the average wages. While in that county, he subsequently farmed on rented land for some time, and in 1856 came to Montgomery County. He settled on his present farm in Bois D'Arc Township, and there he has made his home ever since.
On the 17th of January, 1856, Mr. Almond was united in marriage with Miss Alice Stanley, a native of New Jersey, born December 8, 1836, and the daughter of Thomas and Alice (Cook) Stanley, natives of England. Several years previous to her birth, her parents took passage for America, located in New Jersey, where they resided until 1845, and then removed to Jersey County, Ill., where they passed the remainder of their days. Of their children four survive: Matthew C.; Jane, wife of Oliver Randolph; Alexia, wife of Mark Risley; and Mrs. Almond. One of her brothers, Robert Stanley, entered three hundred and twenty acres of land from the Government, and our subject now has one hundred and sixty acres of this.
Mr. Almond's marriage resulted in the birth of eight children, who are named in the order of their births as follows: James, Mary, George, Caroline, Etta. Ella, Robert and Hattie. When our subject first settled in Montgomery County, he began developing raw prairie land, and by industry and good management soon had his place in a good state of cultivation. The soil was rich and productive, the climate all that could be desired, and fortune favored him. Although one of the early settlers, he has kept thoroughly apace with the times, and all his farming operations are conducted in a thorough and progressive manner. His worthy wife has been a true helpmate to him, and as they now have sufficient of this world's goods, they are comfortable and happy. They are members of the Patrons of Husbandry at Divernon, Ill., and are prominent in all good work.
In politics, Mr. Almond is a Democrat. Since coming here, he has witnessed many changes in the country, and has been a potent factor in its growth and development. Our subject has two brothers and two sisters living, all residing in England, viz.: Harriet; Jemima, wife of George Eldridge; John and Thomas, all worthy and excellent citizens.
Extracted 04 Dec 2016 by Norma Hass from 1892 Portrait and Biographical Record of Montgomery and Bond Counties, Illinois, pages 158-161.