
These biographies are not just full of information about the person, but typically include valuable information about their relatives and ancestors. Although the biographical information may not always be accurate, they can be used as a springboard for your research.

Abell, Pascal C  1882 biography  1892 biography
Adams, Clayton H
Adams, Daniel E
Adams, Lemuel
Adams, W W
Alden, Samuel E
Alexander, Joseph T  1882 biography  1892 biography
Allen, Jesse K
Allen, Louis
Almond, Anthony
Amsden, Daniel C
Anderson, Elizabeth
Anderson, John W
Anderson, Robert M
Angerstine, Christian A
Appleton, Henry E  1882 biography  1892 biography
Armentrout, George W
Armentrout, J T
Atterbury, Abram D
Aull, Henry
Austin, Edwin K
Aydelott, G R

Bacon, William E
Baker, Joseph M
Baker, Thomas T
Baker, W P
Ballweg, Charles
Barbee, John R
Barcroft, Ambrose
Barcroft, Victor B
Barkley, J C
Barlow, T M
Barnett, Fred C
Bartlett, Charles L
Bartlett, Samuel T
Barry, Isaac N
Barry, Josephus
Barry, William S
Barton, Ira
Bateman, William L
Battles, T S
Beach, Henry H
Beardsley, C W
Beatty, William A
Beck, Jacob
Beck, John P
Becker, Henry
Beindorf, William M
Bell, Adam H
Benepe, H L
Bennett, R F  1882 biography  1892 biography
Berrie, Peter
Berry, W Milton
Berry, William
Best, Henry A
Bigham, Joseph
Black, J A
Black, Thomas G
Blackburn, Robert
Blackburn, W L
Blackwelder, Alfred
Blackwelder, Daniel M
Blackwelder, James F  1882 biography  1892 biography
Blackwelder, William R
Blackwell, J R
Bliss, Alfred
Bliss, Charles W  1882 biography  1904 biography
Blue, William M
Bone, William
Bost, Monroe
Boulton, Mr
Bourquin, Abram
Bowsher, R B
Boyd, Jesse
Boyd, R H
Brakenhoff, George
Brakenhoff, Henry
Bray, H W
Brewer, William H  1882 biography  1892 biography
Briggs, Robert
Briggs, Stephen R
Briggs, William M
Brokmier, August
Brophy, D P
Brown, George W
Brown, James A
Brown, James R
Brown, Thomas
Brown, Thomas J
Browning, George H
Brunken, Garrelt
Bryan, A
Buchanan, James C
Buerger, Antony
Buffington, C G
Burke, William
Burnap, John
Burnet, Albert
Burns, Edward
Burris, George W
Burton, Charles H
Butler, Aaron G
Butts, James W

Caldwell, John
Calihan, Anthony
Campbell, George C
Campbell, William
Carr, Dolphas
Carriker, Julius
Carroll, P F
Carstens, Garrett
Carter, Edwin R
Carter, Winfield P
Cary, J B
Case, Loron
Cass, John J
Cauby, Josephus
Chapman, Joseph R
Chapman, William
Charles, T J
Chism, Robert
Clarkson, John J
Clearwater, Jacob  1882 biography  1892 biography
Cline, James W
Clinesmith, Mary
Coffeen, Gustavus F  1882 biography  1892 biography
Cole, Clarence E
Coleman, William
Colt, John D
Cook, Charles E
Cook, R W H
Cooper, Barnard W
Cooper, George R  1882 biography  1904 biography
Copeland, Andrew B
Corlew, John
Cornelius, Robert E
Costley, Morgan
Coultas, Thomas I
Cox, Francis M
Cox, James H
Crabtree, John A
Crane, Needham
Cratty, Samuel L
Cress, Jacob  1882 biography  1892 biography
Cress, S F
Crouch, F W
Culp, George
Curry, Sarah D

Davenport, Martin S
Davenport, P L
Davis, David
Davis, John P
Davis, Raney
Davis, WIlliam G
Day, E R
Denman, Smith
Deulen, James
Dixon, Robert  1882 biography  1892 biography
Dollar, Joseph F
Donaldson, E H
Douglas, Edmund
Doyle, Isaac
Durdy, Alexander C

Eccles, Joseph T
Edwards, C F
Edwards, Charles H
Edwards, John W
Egelhoff, Peter
Elliott, William T
Engelmann, Dick
Estabrook, Albert
Evans, William

Fath, Leonard G
File, Enoch J
File, George H
Fink, I W
Fireman, John
Fisher, WIlliam H
Fitzjarrell, Catherine M
Fitzjarrell, Cyrus 1882 biography, 1904 biography
Fitzjarrell, William
Fogleman, Francis M
Fogleman, I P
Fogleman, Israel
Fogleman, Joel M
Fogleman, John  1882 biography  1892 biography
Fooks, William
Foster, George
Freeland, P L
Fuller, John P

Galbraith, W C
Gardner, Henry K
Gartner, William
Gelwicks, C A
Gerhard, Lafayette M
Gerow, S H
Gillman, Charles
Gilmore, David S
Gilmore, Ephraim M
GIlmore, Frank H
Glenn, James R
Gragg, William
Grantham, Daniel
Grantham, Thomas
Grassel, John C
Greenawalt, George W
Gregory, I L
Green, Bennett
Greene, John
Griffin, Jesse S
Grimes, Edward
Grisham, James
Groner, W H
Grosenheider, Frank
Gross, E J
Grubbs, Samuel M  1882 biography  1892 biography  1904 biography
Guthrie, William H

Hackney, WIlliam
Hagood, Robert B
Haller, Jacob
Hampton, J A
Hand, Joseph
Hard, Leonidas
Harkey, Martin
Harkey, Solomon
Harris, Thomas E
Hartline, A
Hartsock, L M  1882 biography  1892 biography
Hartwick, U H
Hauptmann, Henry
Hauser, Jacob
Haynes, A H
Haynes, Baxter
Haynes, James
Haynes, John
Helfers, Fred
Henderson, William C
Hendricks, Brewer A
Hendrix, John T
Henkel, Charles L
Hensen, H H
Herwig, John
Hewitt, William W
Hickman, Joseph E
Hickman, Walker F
Hicks, William F
Hill, Levi
Hill, Squire
Hinkle, Martin V
Hitchings, Henry H
Hitchings, John P
Hobson, Thomas G
Hodges, E R, Mrs
Hodges, Thomas F
Hoehn, Andrew
Hoes, C H
Hoes, L Scott
Hoffman, Martha
Hoffman, Valentine
Holmes, F J
Holmes, M D
Holmes, William
Hood, Humphrey H  1882 biography  1892 biography
Hood Family
Hoog, Constantine
Hoog, Edward
Hooser, George H
Hoppin, Charles T
Houck, William R
Howett, William
Hughes, John C
Hulbert, E M
Hutchison, James B

Isbell, G W

James, P T
Johnson, C W
Johnson, John B
Jones, Corder
Jones, Emery C
Jones, George W
Jones, Hardy F
Jones, Joel
Jordan, Alpheus C
Jordan, Cyrus H
Jordan, Lewis W
Jordan, Robert C
Jordan, William F

Keiser, Andrew
Keiser, Hiram  1882 biography  1892 biography
Keiser, John
Keithley, Henry H
Kessinger, Samuel W
Keune, Charles
King, George B
King, John
King, Samuel F
Kingsbury, Arius N
Kirk, Thomas
Kirkland, Thomas C  1882 biography  1904 biography
Knock, William A
Knowles, John H
Kortkamp, William
Krager, John

Lane, Edward  1882 biography  1892 biography  1904 biography
Lane, J Bowers  1882 biography  1892 biography
Lange, John
Law, Frederick
Lawler, Isaac F
Laws, Thomas G
Lea, William S
Leach, William A
Leak, E F
Lee, Eli
Lee, Samuel
Leigh, John R
Lewey, George W
Lewey, Isaac
Lewright, Bennett P
Libbey, Samuel H
Linck, Christian
Lingle, Nathaniel H M
Lipe, Noah
Lipe, Wiley
Litchfield, Egbert S
Litchfield, George B
Livingstone, Albert
Logsdon, John W
Logsdon, Robert
Lohmann, Frederick
Ludewick, Henry M
Lyman, George
Lynch, J A

Machler, Julia
Machler, Julius C
Maddux, John T
Marshall, James
Martin, Mark M
Matney, William D
Matthews, George A
Maxey, William A
Maxey, Wilson M
May, Millard F
McConathy, Jacob
McCulley, Joseph
McCulloch, Mrs H E
McDavid, James B  1882 biography  1892 biography
McDavid, John T
McDavid, T W
McDavid, William A
McDavid, William C
McDowell, James
McElvain, James N
McEwen, A F
McGown, Francis
McGown, Ishmael
McHugh, Benjamin
McKinney, Joseph
McLean, John C
McLean, John J
McLean, Martin
McLean, Samuel H  1882 biography  1892 biography
McMahon, Richard
McManus, John H
McMurtry, Matthew
McNichols, William H
McPherson, George
McPherson, J H
McWilliams, Alexander
McWilliams, Robert
McWilliams, Thomas
Michael, George W
Miles, Jacob T
Miller, Austin
Miller, Elias W
Millot, H C
Milnor, Frank R
Mindrup, George
Mock, Jacob
Moore, Hezekiah
Moore, J G
Moos, Peter
Morrison, Michael
Mother Ursula
Moyer, M L
Mueller, George H
Munday, C B
Murphy, Daniel P
Murphy, Sylvester

Nash, Andrew J
Neal, B C
Neff, Warren M
Neisler, D W
Neisler, John M
Nelson, Robert S
Newell, Jeduthun B
Newport, John
Niehaus, Henry
Niemann, Fred
Norvell, George A
Nusman, Eli

O'Bannon, Richard W
Ohlman, Michael  1882 biography  1892 biography
Opdycke, W L
Owens, W J

Paddock, F O
Paden, John M
Paden, Robert N
Paisley, George W 1882 biography  1904 biography
Paisley, Samuel
Pannwitt, Frederick J
Paul, Jacob
Paullis, Charles
Pennington, Lott
Petrie, John W
Phillips, Francis
Phillips, Jesse J  1882 biography  1892 biography
Phillips, W H
Pierce, Aharte
Pitman, Joseph H
Poggenpohl, Herman  1882 biography  1892 biography
Pollard, Joseph
Potts, Joseph W
Prater, Asa
Preston, Cyrus A
Price, John  1882 biography  1892 biography
Probst, Michael
Pufeles, M P

Quealy, Loughlin

Ralston, John A
Ramsey, Charles A  1882 biography  1892 biography
Ramsey, George J  1882 biography  1892 biography
Randle, Fred A
Randle, H N
Randolph, Abel S 1882 biography  1892 biography
Rausch, Jacob
Raymond, George M
Rebhan, John C
Reese, Frederick W
Reese, Gustav A
Remensnider, Michael
Rhinehart, A A
Rhodes, A F
Rice, Edward Y
Rice, Stephen R
Richards, Daniel C
Richmond, G A
Richmond, Gideon
Ripley, Richard W
Ritchie, John W
Ritchie, Martin A
Roberts, Richard S D
Rogers, Charles A
Rogers, Daniel P
Rogers, James born 1835 in Indiana
Rogers, James born 1838 in Illinois
Rogers, Theodore
Rood, H F
Root, Francis
Rose, John W
Ross, Alexander B
Ross, John T
Rummons, Oscar
Russell, J W

Saathoff, Henry
Sammons, Edwin T
Sanders, George M
Savage, Moses B
Sawyer, Alfred A K  1882 biography  1892 biography
Scherer, David Y
Schluckebier, C
Schmidt, William
Schoen, William B
Schon, Albert
Schwartzly, John
Scott, George W
Sedentop, Louis
Settlemire, David O
Settlemire, George L
Seymour, Charles W
Seymour, James R
Shepherd, Hiram  1882 biography  1892 biography
Shepherd, Preston
Shoemaker, John M
Short, Hiram S  1882 biography  1892 biography
Shuping, William A
Sides, William
Sihler, G A
Simon, John
SImpson, William
Sims, Clisby
Sinclair, J C
Singer, Nicholas
Slater, George W
Smith, James A
Smith, T T
Snell, Wesley
Southworth, Elizur  1882 biography  1892 biography
Spangler, J P
Spannagel, Gustavus R
Springer, Charles W
Sprinkle, J Monticello
Stahl, F W
Stahl, M J
Stansifer, James T
Starkey, Ezra
Starr, D Will
Steinrauf, William
Stevens, George M
Stevens, Riley
Stevenson, C R
Stewart. A M
Stickel, Joseph
Strain, H S
Stratton, F M
Street, John D
Strehle, J C
Strehle, Joseph
Stump, Peter
Sturgeon, John
Stutle, Peter
Summerfield, Edward
Swain, Asa
Swan, George P

Tannehill, Joseph O
Tatch, Frederick F
Taulbee, J M
Terry, Luke
Terry, William H
Thalls, James
Thomas, Lewis H  1882 biography  1892 biography
Thomas, Samuel R
Thomason, Andrew J
Thorp, Edwin C
Thynne, J W
Tilden, John H
Tilden, Scott S
Tinklepaugh, D A
Tobin, Charles T
Tobin, James
Todt, John H  1882 biography  1892 biography
Towell, I T
Tratt, John
Travers, George B
Traylor, J L
Traylor, Joel C
Traylor, M B
Troutman, S P
Truitt, Charles R
Truitt, J M
Truitt, Mayfield
Tully, Francis
Tulpin, B
Tumes, John M
Tuohy, M E
Turner, John B
Twohey, Thomas
Tyler, Ezra

Updike, Pierson B
Upstone, G S

VanDeusen, Delso
VanDeusen, Delos
VanHooser, William
VanSandt, George W
Vignos, Joseph
Vogal, Martin
Voorhees, E R

Wadsworth, Dexter
Waggoner, E L
Waggoner, George W
Waggoner, Winter P
Wagner, Louis
Walers, Joseph
Wallis, John D
Wallwork, Daniel
Walsh, M M
Walter, Paul  1882 biography  1892 biography
Warden, William G
Ware, Henry
Ware, Justus H
Washburn, Thomas D
Watson, William
Weaver, A F
Weber, Frederick
Weber, J M
Weber, W F
Weber, William W
Webster, William
Weis, M
Weitekamp, John
Welch, Samuel H
Wellar, Conrad
Wells, Irving
Wesner, W A
Whipple, M C
Whitaker, Lewis
White, James W
White, William
Whitehead, Gilbert H
Whitehouse, Charles
Whitehouse, Henry G
Whiteside, Joseph S
Whiteside, W J
Whitlock, J W
Whitlow, William W  1882 biography  1892 biography
Whitmer, Edward
Witt, L H
Whitten, Easton
Whitten, Thomas J  1882 biography  1904 biography
Wiegers, John
Wiegreffe, Frederick
Wiegreffe, William  1882 biography  1892 biography
Wilcox, Edward N
Wild, Joseph W
Wiley, Samuel R
Willar, Conrad
Williams, Aaron C
Williams, T W
Williamson, Otis M
Williamson, Robert A
Willis, Claud J
Wilson, William
Wolcott, George O
Wood, Leroy F
Wood, P C
Wood, William B
Woodman, Daniel P  1882 biography  1892 biography
Wooster, William L
Woltmann, John
Wright, Elijah
Wright, Jaret
Wubker, Henry
Wyckoff, J S

Yackle, Frank
Young, James
Young, John P  1882 biography  1892 biography
Young, John W
Young, Orson
Young, Samuel H
Young, William
Young, William A 1882 biography  1904 biography
Young, William J

Zepp, David H  1882 biography  1892 biography
Zimmerman, William J
Zink, George L  1882 biography  1892 biography

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