Biography - Christian Linck
LINCK, M. D. Among the names held in honor in Litchfield, that which
introduces these lines has for many years occupied a prominent place. He who
bears it came here in 1867 and has since borne an important part in the
growth of the city, maintaining an unceasing interest in its prosperity and
contributing to its upbuilding. Some mention of his ancestry and personal
history will, in view of his prominence, be of especial interest to our
The father of our subject was a German resident of Wurtemberg, Germany, where Christian was born September 8, 1828. In his native place he passed his boyhood and meanwhile attended the schools taught in his native language. In 1846 with his father he came to America, and located in the city of Baltimore, Md., where he went to school in order to gain a knowledge of the English language. He was very apt, and his quick mind was spurred on by the desire to become a physician, so that his progress was astonishing. In Baltimore he read medicine and took his first lectures in the Allopathic school, from which he was graduated in 1850.
After practicing his profession for a time in Baltimore, Dr. Linck became interested in the new school of Homeopathy, and in order to pursue his investigations thoroughly, he went to Philadelphia and took a course in the college of Homeopathy there, graduating in 1853. Next we find him in Virginia, where, however, he did not remain long, but proceeded to Ohio and practiced there until he decided to visit Chicago, he went from the latter city to Mexico and in 1867 he came to Litchfield, where he has since remained, giving his attention to his extensive practice. His professional labors and good judgment have been rewarded by the acquisition of a large property, and in his lovely home he has all the comforts which enhance the happiness of life.
Dr. Linck is a member of the Whitegross Lodge, Knights of Pythias, uniformed rank, and is also identified with the Masonic order, both in Chapter and Commandery. He holds membership in the Homeopathic Western Academy. In his political preference, he is a Democrat, ever loyal to party principles. The home of our subject is presided over by the lady who was once Miss Sophia Laub, and one child, Elizabeth, has been born into the household. The Doctor is an owner of considerable valuable real estate in this place and has done his share toward advancing the interests of the community. His life has been a busy one, for he has always been quick to respond to the call of distress, and all organizations for the public weal have found in him a hearty supporter. He affiliates with the Lutheran Church, which is that of his forefathers.
Extracted 04 Dec 2016 by Norma Hass from 1892 Portrait and Biographical Record of Montgomery and Bond Counties, Illinois, pages 220-221.