Biography - G Sihler

G. A. SIHLER, M. D. Probably no physician in the vicinity of Litchfield is more thoroughly equipped for his profession than is the gentleman whose name heads this sketch. His studies have been widely extended, and prosecuted under exceptional advantages. He asks no odds of ancestors, rank or position to lend color to his ability in his chosen profession. The writer, aside from the knowledge of his professional skill, knows but the barest facts concerning his career.
Dr. Sihler was born at Simeoe, Ontario, May 28, 1862. He was educated at Colegate Institute at Siracoe, and distinguished himself in such a manner as to encourage him to enter the professional life that he has chosen. He prosecuted his medical studies at Magill Medical University, receiving his sheepskin with the Class of '83. After completing his studies, he spent one year in Germany, and there had access to the laboratories of the special scientists. Thus equipped, and with an extended knowledge of pathological and biological subjects, he has settled in the midst of the Litchfield community, ready to alleviate such human suffering as should present itself to his attention.

Extracted 10 Jan 2017 by Norma Hass from 1892 Portrait and Biographical Record of Montgomery and Bond Counties, Illinois, pages 318-319.

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